1. Why is the physical body so important for sadhana?

We cannot do anything in this world without the physical body. And a sadhak needs a healthy physical body to do longer hours of meditation and experience higher stages of samadhi.

2. Which is the best asana to sit for longer hours of meditation?

Padmasana is the best. You can also sit in Siddhasana for longer hours of meditation. However, find out the best asana that suits you.

3. How do I know that I am spiritually growing?

Contemplate and find out if you are able to love others irrespective of who they are. Also find out if you are able to connect with everyone in oneness. This way you can gauge your progress.

4. What is quality meditation?

Quality meditation is starting with one pointed dharana for a minute or two, thoughtless state of mind, silencing your body and mind and aligning to the stillness and energies of the whole system.

5. What is the first step towards enlightenment?

Meditation and positivisation.

6. What does suffering indicate?

Suffering indicates that we are going through our karmas and allowing the Divine to work on us. It is possible to minimise suffering by meditating and positivising regularly.

7. How do the planets (grahas) influence our lives?

Karmas are ours. The planets (grahas) are doing only engineering work. With our intense sadhana, if we can burn our karmas and weaken the karmic influences on us, the influences of planets will lessen. That is why I always insist on quality meditation. With quality meditation our life will change, our lifeline will change and the karma’s track will change. Meditations empower us with strength and willpower and help us to go through the bad phase of life so that we can break the karma loop.

8. Is there any faster way to get purified?

My Guru said that it is possible when we experience energies. I wish to add here that when we lead a life with clarity in tune with the Divine, our purity level increases. With meditation, purity level definitely increases.

9. How do we equip ourselves for higher energies?

There are only two tools – meditation and positivisation.

10. Can you suggest a way to work on positivisation?

Observe a few days of your life and a pattern will emerge. You will notice a common thread on anger or jealousy or some other negativity. Work on that and become aware and alert so that it is not repeated.

11. What is the difference between OM and AUM?

From Sathya to Dwapara Yugas, it was chanted as AUM. It is distorted in Kali Yuga as OM. It is not wrong though. When you chant AUM, A denotes creation of positive / divine energies, U denotes preservation of the created energies and M denotes destruction of the negative energies in the system. When you chant OM, the creation part will not happen. There is another beauty to AUM. These three sounds A, U, M can be chanted even by the vocally impaired people. And whenever you chant AUM, Sahasrara chakra gets activated. But in OM, only the Pituitary gland gets activated.

12. Can I skip pranayama and use that time for meditation?

Pranayama is equally important. Thoughts will reduce when you do pranayama. You can meditate more but not at the cost of pranayama.

13. What is the significance of giving blessings after meditation?

You are in a subtle mode after meditation. When you bless somebody, at that time you send energies of goodwill, peace and prosperity to them. So, grace descends on you. Also, your willpower to meditate increases.

14. Without techniques, is it possible for anyone to meditate and get enlightened?

Techniques will loosen the threads. Burning karmas become easy while meditating. Without techniques also it is possible, but it will take a longer time.