Maya | Guna | Oneness | Brahmarishis Hermitage


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Maya is the substance or matter pervading in the entire creation.

When a soul sees through Maya using the mind as a tool, the world is projected and seen. Just like how a movie is projected on the screen through a projector, similarly the world is projected to us using the mind.

Maya acts as a veil and hides the underlying reality of Light.

The purpose of Maya is to cause diversity in creation. Hence without it all appears as Light and no diversity possible.

Maya or the world is a perceived reality and bound by time, whereas Light is the absolute reality and timeless.

Maya undergoes change through creation, sustenance and destruction, whereas Light is eternal and unchanging reality.

Before self-realisation, only Maya is seen and Light appears unreal. Once realised and Light is seen, Maya becomes unreal. Hence realised ones call Maya as Illusion.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Gunas or Trigunas are the three distinct constituent qualities of Maya. They are called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

These three gunas are present in everyone and everything in the entire creation, in different combinations and proportion.

This combination of gunas in varied proportion causes diversity. Just like how the mix of basic colors red, green and blue in different proportions and combinations give rise to innumerable other colors.

Sattva is the quality of knowledge, balance, harmony, purity, creativity, positivity, peacefulness, and virtue.

Rajas is the quality of passion, activity and self-centeredness.

Tamas is the quality of imbalance, disorder, anxiety, dullness, lethargy, violence, ignorance, procrastination and indifference.

The character of an individual or substance, is viewed as the net result of the joint effect of these three gunas. Hence Gunas pose an important factor in our behavior and subsequent life situations.

As Light is unaffected by Maya, It is also called as Nirguna, meaning no guna.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Oneness is, the link between all that exists in the Universe. It is the link from soul to soul, heart to heart.

Oneness is, seeing Light amid the diversity of creation.

Oneness is, realising that everything animate and inanimate came from the same source, Light.

In oneness we go beyond Maya.

Oneness brings unity in diversity.

Oneness is, also living aligned with our sadhana at all the levels - physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. This oneness causes Yoga.