Organisation | Work | Brahmarishis Hermitage


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Brahmarishis Hermitage is a non-profit spiritual organisation.

‘Self-realisation through Sadhana’ and ‘Service to Humanity’ are the primary goals of our path. The path aims to teach meditation and impart spiritual knowledge as taught by Rishis and Siddhas, to all earnest spiritual aspirants.

With divine love and oneness, the ultimate vison of this path is to lead humanity into new age realities such as Sathya Yuga and Shamballa.

Our Guiding Lights are the Saptharishis and the 18 Siddhas.

In response to the divine call of the Saptharishis and the Siddhas, Brahmarishis Hermitage was established by our Guru Shri Devatmananda Shamballa in the year 2014.

Brahmarishis Hermitage is strongly rooted in the eternal truth that every individual is essentially divine and by cultivating a deeper connect with this divine essence through meditation and positivisation, it is possible to awaken to the true purpose of our life forward.

Brahmarishis Hermitage is strongly rooted in the eternal truth that every individual is essentially divine and by cultivating a deeper connect with this divine essence through meditation and positivisation, it is possible to awaken to the true purpose of our life forward. The doors of the path are open to all who have the quest to explore their spiritual journey and work towards transforming self in this modern world with the guidance of our spiritual Guru.


Brahmarishis Hermitage Devatmananda Shamballa Rishis Siddhas Siddhar Sprituality Kalki Saptharishis Saptarishis
                    Divine Soul Guru Wisdom Positive Quotes

Shri Devatmananda Shamballa initiates and guides sadhaks into spiritual techniques to facilitate spiritual growth and inner transformation.

Spiritual practices such as pranayama, meditation, advanced meditative practices, kriyas, yogasanas, positivisation methods and spiritual techniques are taught for the holistic well being of the aspirants. Weekly satsangs (online group meditation followed by a brief Q & A session), periodic spiritual retreats are conducted and pilgrimages to prominent energy centres are also organised. Techniques to heal self and others are also taught.

Currently, our Guru Shri Devatmananda Shamballa is mentoring meditators from different parts of the globe. A bimonthly newsletter called "Spiritual Wisdom" is also published by the team for the benefit of the sadhaks. The newsletter is a thorough publication that includes the core of our Guru's talks and also rare knowledge channelled by Rishis.