Guiding Lights | Brahmarishis Hermitage

Guiding Lights

Brahmarishis Hermitage being the amalgamated path of Rishis and Siddhas, is guarded and guided by these divine and eminent personalities. These unparalleled astral masters pass on the rarest of rare spiritual energies, higher knowledge, advanced meditative practices, and spiritual techniques through chosen human channels; the channel for Brahmarishis Hermitage is our revered guru, Shri Devatmananda Shamballa.

All the meditation classes, energy anchoring sessions, spiritual yatras or any important events are always guided with the blessings, astral presence and unique grace of these great masters.

The more we know the greatness of these unassuming masters, the more remains unknown. Their compassion, their volume of work, their humility, commitment and dedication are incomparable. These masters are our Godly figures. These enlightened Masters, driven by the endless passion to revive the spiritual condition of the people and the planet, are our Guiding Lights.

Their biographies are strong source of inspiration for the common man.

Our humble salutation at the holy feet of Rishis and Siddhas.

The more we know the greatness of these unassuming masters, the more remains unknown. Their compassion, their volume of work, their humility, commitment and dedication are incomparable. These masters are our Godly figures. These enlightened Masters, driven by the endless passion to revive the spiritual condition of the people and the planet, are our Guiding Lights. Their biographies are strong source of inspiration for the common man.